As a native of Canada, I also provide therapy, mediation and counseling services in English.
Counseling and Therapy: for Individuals, Couples or Families
There are times in our lives when we can all benefit from sensitive and experienced counseling – a caring therapist who will listen patiently, assist us in expressing our pain or confusion, and guide us to new understandings and behaviors that will help achieve our goals. There’s really no good reason to suffer on your own.
• It may be a personal impasse, when confusion, low energy or anxiety keeps you from moving forward with clarity and a sense of purpose.
• You may feel stuck in unsupportive or destructive patterns with your spouse or partner, that sap your joy of life and create a toxic environment for the entire family.
• You may be struggling with an uncooperative teenager who has resorted to maladaptive behaviors, or you are feeling overwhelmed by the demands and needs of an aging parent.
In a convenient and confidential setting, I offer a safe and supportive atmosphere to explore issues, develop understanding and improve communication within the family. Many clients come when they are intensely upset and experiencing pain but others come to address problems at an early stage or even to prevent difficulties from arising. Sessions may be conducted remotely, via Zoom, Skype or Whatsapp. Call me at 054-8103550 for a brief phone consultation.
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Divorce Mediation
Couples considering divorce or separation are usually experiencing varying degrees of anger, stress, resentment, rejection, disappointment, helplessness and loss. The need to feel supported often leads them to a lawyer’s office, which typically results in an escalating competitive struggle that can be devastating both financially and emotionally. So before you consult a lawyer…!
Speak with me about Divorce Mediation as a respectful, non-competitive alternative. Together, we can discuss the issues and create a divorce agreement that will leave all the members of your family better able to move forward with your lives.
Divorce Mediation with a family therapist enables us to deal both with the emotional and the substantive issues around division of marital property, spousal support, child support and parenting arrangements.
Parties considering mediation are sometimes fearful of having to make decisions on matters in which they have little experience or knowledge. When necessary, the advice of specific experts, such as accountants or real estate appraisers, may be sought to help in exploring options and consequences.
Every effort is made to divide assets with the minimum amount of financial disruption and to put both parties in the best possible financial position that the available assets will allow.
Mediation is a means of resolving conflict by developing optimal agreement by all parties in a structured, non-adversarial process. Whether the disagreement involves wills, inheritance or day-to-day household or parenting issues, I can assist with sensitive and skilled assistance.
The mediation process includes: 1. Enabling each party to present their perspective of the issue. 2. Understanding the interests and needs that underlie each party’s positions. 3. Compiling a comprehensive list of the resources available to meet those interests and needs. 4. Developing creative alternatives for resolving the conflict, in ways that satisfy all parties. 5. Jointly analyzing the relative merits of each alternative, until agreement is reached on the best solution for all sides.
Rather than living with ongoing conflict or resorting to the legal system for resolution, contact me for a brief phone consultation.
"It seemed that going to court was the only way to resolve our bitter, 3-year-long dispute. Randy’s understanding of our individual needs, his continued patience and, ultimately, his powers of subtle persuasion helped us overcome our differences and reach an agreement. There is no doubt that, by doing so, he enabled us to avoid the enormous amount of extra pain, not to mention expense, that litigation would have incurred.” LN
An agreement that addresses, and is respectful of, the needs of both parties is more likely to be honored than one that does not. Settlements reached through adversarial processes have a very poor record of performance. If you would like to learn more, call for a brief phone consultation.
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